“The pattern of the Great Spirit is over us all, but if we follow our own spirits from within, our pattern becomes clearer.”
– High Eagle (Native American adage of unknown ancestry)
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God of Kanhayya : Kanhayya was poor but a generous man. Once he invited three of his friends for lunch. But there was nothing left in his house to cook. So he went out for the arrangement of food.
“THE GREAT FACT FOR US” – “See to it that your relationship with [your H.P.] is right, and great things will come to pass for you and countless others.This is the Great Fact for us.” (The Big Book, p. 164)
How does your Higher Power manifests itself in your life, lately?
God of Kanhayya :
Kanhayya was poor but a generous man. Once he invited three of his friends for lunch. But there was nothing left in his house to cook. So he went out for the arrangement of food.
Sometime later, his friends reached his house. They spotted a grinding stone in his house with a floral necklace placed on it. When they enquired about that, Kanhayya’s wife said, “It’s your friend’s God. He offers him prayers by beating the guests with it.”
They heard this and ran out. On the way, Kanhayya saw them running off. He asked his wife as to what had happened. She said, “They asked for the grinding stone. I refused to give it to them so they went away in anger.”
Kanhayya picked it up and ran after them to give it to them. When his friends saw him coming with grinding stone, they remembered his wife’s words. So they ran very fast and disappeared. From that day no one went to his house for lunch and his wife breathed a sigh of relief.” (http://www.english-for-students.com/God-of-Kanhayya.html)
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