GO FOR THE PREMIUM FUEL – “When the Twelfth Step is seen in its full implication, it is really talking about the kind of love that has no price tag on it.” (12 & 12, p. 106) on flow
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How have you “let your love flow” and open your heart to others, lately?
William Shakespeare Brief Bio (3:22)
Shakespearean England in Stillness Meditation (10:12)
by Nathaniel Hawthorne
The Ocean has its silent caves,
Deep, quiet, and alone;
Though there be fury on the waves,
Beneath them there is none.
The awful spirits of the deep
Hold their communion there;
And there are those for whom we weep,
The young, the bright, the fair.
Calmly the wearied seamen rest
Beneath their own blue sea.
The ocean solitudes are blest,
For there is purity.
The earth has guilt, the earth has care,
Unquiet are its graves;
But peaceful sleep is ever there,
Beneath the dark blue waves.
“New frontiers are open to us as we learn how to love. Love can be the flow of life energy from one person to another. … we become a part of them.”
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