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Must We be Condemned to Repeat the Past for All Eternity – Step 12

Cartoon Trojan Soldiers

“Those who cannot
remember the past are
condemned to repeat it.”

– George Santayana (1863 – 1952)
Spanish-American philosopher

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What have you done to stop unhealthy behaviors of your past from repeating themselves, lately?


The Past & Pending – The Shins (5:10)

George Santayana on the Meaning of Life (5:25)

The Meaning of Life by Story Waters (10:00)

A Rich Man and His Son :

A rich man’s son was graduating college.

For months, the son was asking his father for a new car, knowing that his father had more than enough money.

When graduation day came, the young man’s father called him into the study. The father handed him a wrapped gift and congratulated the new about to be graduated on his achievement.

Looking disappointed, the son opened the gift to find a lovely, leather bound journal, with the young man’s name embossed on the cover. He angrily raised his voice, threw down the journal and stormed out.

The young man had not seen his father since graduation day. He became successful and was wealthy like his father, with a beautiful home and family. He came to realize his father was aging and it may be time to put the past behind them.

Just then, he received a message that his father had passed, and he had to return home to take care of the estate.

As the mourning son regretfully returned home, he began searching through his father’s important papers and saw that still new journal, just as he had left it.

He opened it, and as he flipped through the pages a car key dropped from the back of the journal.

A dealer tag was attached to the key that read “Paid in full. Wherever this car takes you, write about it to remember it forever. Love, Dad”

No matter what you expect, be grateful for what you are given. It may be more of a blessing than you think.

the past


5 responses to “Must We be Condemned to Repeat the Past for All Eternity – Step 12”

  1. Jason Orellana Avatar
    Jason Orellana

    This is a test comment

  2. Jon G. Avatar
    Jon G.

    One of the promises states that we will not regret the past nor wish to shut the doors on it. This is really true for me. One of the worst days of my life involved me being arrested in Texas on serious charges. As a result I was sentenced to a half-way house in Wichita Falls, Texas. While in Wichita Falls I got a job at a local restaraunt. I fell in love with the hostess and we got marries and had to beautiful children. So if i never got arrested in texas I would have never met my wife and I never would have had my children. I do not regret that day because without that day I would not have my beautiful children.

  3. Br. Buddha Avatar
    Br. Buddha

    Good morning everyone + Happy Saturday. Here is today’s thought. A few years ago, there was a movie called Groundhog’s Day, starring Bill Murray. He was trapped in a time warp + he kept on reliving Groundhog’s Day over + over again. This can be true of us. Unless we can reconcile our past, learn from our mistakes, forgive + allow us to be forgiven, we are doomed to repeat our past mistakes. Share your faults with another (Step 5) + move on to a glorious ressurection. Blessings. BB

  4. JB jr. Avatar
    JB jr.

    I’ve been instructed to use contrary action, lately. I know for sure the way I’ve done my dating hasn’t worked. Basically, I have to allow things to unfold. Its surprising how resistive I am to this suggestion.

  5. Margot E. Avatar
    Margot E.

    So, here is the big payoff: a spiritual awakening. “But,” I tell myself, “I want more: I want a new house, more money, more clothes, fame, adoration, more food.” So much wanting and so little understanding on my part. Those things will not make me happy. Those things will not feed or nourish me in a way that eases all weariness, all pain, all apathy in my heart. I can only have the joy, the gratitude, the lack of want when I am spiritually nourished. What happiness I can now tap into. Walking hand in hand with my Higher Power, I find that I lack nothing.

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