“The sons of Adam are limbs of each other. Having been created of one essence. When the calamity of time affects one limb, the other limbs cannot remain at rest. If thou hast no sympathy for the troubles of others, thou art unworthy to be called by the name of man [or woman].” – Sa’di Shirazi (1184 – 1283/1291) Persian poet (on being human)
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How have you shown empathy for others, lately?
We Are One – The Lion King 2 (3:49)
Solemn Persian Meditation Human Sung Softly Over Ocean Waves (7:37)
On Rules for Conduct in Life –
by Sa’di
Admonition 1
The amity of princes and the sweet voice of children are not to be trusted.
Because the former is changed by fancy and the latter in the course of one night.
Give not thy heart to a sweetheart of a thousand lovers,
And if thou givest it, thou givest that heart for separation.
Admonition 2
Confide not to a friend every secret thou possessest.
How knowest thou that he will not some time become thy foe?
Inflict not every injury thou canst upon an enemy.
Because it is possible that one day he may become thy friend.
Admonition 3
Reveal not thy secret to any man although he may be trustworthy,.
Because no one can keep thy secret better than thyself.
Silence is preferable than to tell thy mind
To anyone; saying what is to remain unsaid.
O simpleton, stop the source of the spring.
When it becomes full, the brook cannot be stopped.
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