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Oh, What A Relief It Is – Step 3

“To pity distress is
but human; to relieve
it is Godlike.”

– Horace Mann (1796 – 1859) U.S.,
education reformer for public schools

Today’s SFZ


“At this point,
we begin to feel
the pain of living with-
out drugs or anything to re-
place them. The pain forces
us to seek a Power great-
er than ourselves that
can relieve our obses-
sion to use.” (The
Big Book, p. 63)


“Take away my
difficulties, that vic-
tory over them may
bear witness to those I
would help of Thy Power,
Thy Love, and Thy Way
of life. May I do Thy
will always!” (Over-
eaters Anon., p. 13)

How would you describe the pain from which you seek relief, lately?

I’m Yours – Jason Mraz (3:41)

Horace Mann – the Father of U.S. Education (10:29)

Stress [R]elief Reiki Mindfulness Meditation (10:41)

Relief –

by David Harris

[R]elief flows over you
like an ocean breeze,
cool, refreshing with a lift.
It brushes away the strife
your life was clogged with
that dragged your soul down.

[R]elief lifts you up
from the depths
that have saddened your soul
making you feel whole again.
Ridding you of the feelings
that have slated your life.

[R]elief now lifts you
and gone is the emotional turmoil
that blighted your being.
Refreshed you feel
a new wellspring
in which your life can unfold.

Zonr pod on relief

This Post Has 8 Comments

  1. alfred ovando

    I feel blessed

  2. Bohdi Baba

    I feel the power to use has been lifted. But the “ism” still remains. The pain I feel when I’m not willing to let go and let God can be unbearable when I allow it to persists. Over and over again, I find that I must actively engage in some other activity that feels productive to stay out of the torturous cycle of doubt and self-pity I still can easily fall prey to.

  3. Margo E.

    In more than one 12-Step program; and the issue still remains how do I live Step 3 every day? When I lose the present, I get caught up in fear, worry and regret. I do not have to live in that painful space if I can remember that I have a Higher Power and that Higher Power always offers me love and support.

  4. Br. Buddha

    Good morning everyone + happy Wednesday. Today is truly a great day. Let freedom ring. For all women + for all men, let there be peace + equality.

    Living sober brings me a new peace, a new freedom, + a new serenity. Embrace your new life + pass it on.

    Blessings. BB

  5. Adam

    Relieve me of the pain of going to work every day but still get my paycheck would be really nice. Actually, I’d just like stress relieved.

  6. easy does it

    A lot of time I dont know how to pray or what to pray for, this 3rd step prayer is a huge help!

  7. Slim Jim

    I often doubt the worthiness of what I’m doing. This second guessing just doesn’t need to be done.

  8. Corey

    I don’t want to worry about what others think of me. I don’t want to constantly worry about what my future holds. I don’t want to worry if the world and its people are going to be okay. I need to feel loved and I’m worried I won’t have that.

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