The Path toward Emotional Bliss that Rarely Fails to Please – Step 9


“When we have finally admitted without reservation that we are powerless … we are apt to breathe a great sigh of relief, saying, “Well, thank God that’s over!” “Then we learn, … that this is only the first milestone on the new road we are walking.” (12 & 12, p. 73) on being grateful.

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Our Journey from the “Primordial Ooze” into a “Vast Cosmic Dark” * – Step 6

“How he does cher-
ish the thought that man,
risen so majestically from a
single cell in the primordial
ooze, is the spearhead of evol-
ution and therefore the only
god that his universe knows!
Must he renounce all this
to save himself?” (12 &
12, p.25 on the

Today’s Full SFZ


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How to Identify the “Flaws which Sometimes were Responsible for the Whole Pattern of our Lives.”

“We can go far beyond those things which were superficially wrong with us, to see those flaws which were basic, flaws which sometimes were responsible for the whole pattern of our lives.” (12 & 12, p. 80)


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Great Apes Wisdom Passed Down from One Generation to the Next – Step 5

From Rose – “In a time of COVID, loneliness is one of the most prevalent emotions … .  Recently, I melded the two worlds together and now my online friends are friends with my school friends, and to see the possibilities of the internet and create a community of my friends during this time brought a lot of security and strength to me.”

Today’s Full SFZ


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