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Owning Our Tremendous Willpower as a People-Powered Juggernaut for Positive Change – Step 3

From Adam —- “I’ve heard this called “being in alignment” before. Didn’t think of it as aligning my ego with my higher power but totally makes sense. I can’t think of specifics but every time I’m kind or compassionate, I’m in alignment. On my recent trip, I always tipped 20-30%. People work hard and many service staff struggles to make ends meet.”

Question ::: What examples have you had lately of being in spiritual alignment with your HP?

Today’s SFZ

The Good Life – Kanye West (3:50)

Wm. F. Buckley matching wits w/ Dame Rebecca West (5:08)

Quotes on Life (Buddha, Tolle, Lennon … ) (3:32)


” … we begin to
learn how to stop strug-
gling.” “If we take time to
think and seek direction be-
fore acting, we no longer have
to run on our own self-centered
will. Turning our will and our lives
over to the care of our Higher
Power provides a solution to
the problems created by a life
based in self-will, resent-
ment, and control.”
(The Basic Text,
p,. 20)


“It is when we
try to make our will
conform with God’s [or
your HP’s] that we begin to
use it rightly. To all of us, this
was a most wonderful revel-
ation. Our whole trouble
had been the misuse
of willpower.” (12 &
12, p. 40)

“Life ought to
be a struggle of
desire toward adven-
tures whose nobility
will fertilize the

– Dame Rebecca West (1892 – 1983) English author / feminist

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This Post Has 2 Comments

  1. Adam

    I’ve heard this called “being in alignment” before. Didn’t think of it as aligning my ego with my higher power but totally makes sense. I can’t think of specifics but every time I’m kind or compassionate, I’m in alignment. On my recent trip, I always tipped 20-30%. People work hard and many service staff struggle to make ends meet.

  2. Margot E.

    Father’s Day is hard for me. My father and I were never close and I find that I carry a resentment about that. I would love to turn this over to my Higher Power. I intend to turn this over to my Higher Power. I intend to ask my Higher Power to unburden me of my own ego, pick up the phone, and tell my father, “Happy Father’s Day, Daddy. I love you.”

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