A Spiritual Tool, often Forgotten when We Feel Broke, Battered and Beaten Down – Step 7
Background Music Take It Easy – The Eagles (7:14) Extended Nature Meditation LP (42:34) How have you chased away the blues, lately?
Background Music Take It Easy – The Eagles (7:14) Extended Nature Meditation LP (42:34) How have you chased away the blues, lately?
Background Music One Thing – Finger Eleven (3:32) Biography of Paramahansa Yogananda (7:17) A Poetic Meditation by Paramahansa Yogananda (9:21) What have you done to achieve “peace and harmony”, lately? en Español
Background Music Pain – Three Day’s Grace (3:27) Ms. Ilibagiza on Horror & Faith to CNN (3:06 S. African Transvaal Naturescape Meditation (13:00) What character defect, associated with a great pain have you recently discovered? en Español
Background Music Redemption Song – Lauryn Hill ft. Ziggy Marley (5:19) Tolerance & the Art of Giving Meditation (7:25) How have you recently shared and given freely of yourself, lately? en Español
Background Music Billionaire – Travis Mc Coy ft. Bruno Mars (3:34) Ghandi – The Philosophy of Non-Violence (1:29) Buddhist Mantra to Release Attachments (4:45) What spiritual values have you felt slipping from your grasps, lately?
Background Music The Edge of Glory - Lady Gaga (5:28) I Have a Dream (full speech - 8:02) Religions of the World Meditation (7:16) How have you contributed to the betterment of the human condition, lately? en Español