“We found the Great Reality deep down within us.” “… search diligently within yourself … .” “With this attitude, you cannot fail. The consciousness of your belief is sure to come to you.” (The Big Book, p.55)
What alterations to your “inner motivations” have you noticed, lately?
Deep Inside You – Third Eye Blind (4:14)
Rollo May on Revealing the True Existential You (2:53)
Connect Mind, Body, Soul – Find Inner Peace Meditation LP (1:00:10)
“Our minds and bodies
seem tired of it all, yet the
dynamic forces of change or
true conversion, deep within,
may be working to give us the
answers that alter our inner
motivations and change
our lives.” (The Basic
Text, p. 78)
“We found the
Great Reality deep
down within us.” “…
search diligently within
yourself … .” “With this at-
titude you cannot fail. The
consciousness of your
belief is sure to come
to you.” (The Big
Book, p.55)
“It requires greater
courage to preserve in-
ner freedom, to move on in
one’s inward journey into new
realms, than to stand defiantly
for outer freedom. It is often
easier to play the martyr,
as it is to be rash
in battle.”
– Rollo May (1909 – 1994) U.S. existential psychologist
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