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The Spark that Ignites Our Metamorphosis from Within – Step 10

What type of personal transformational light have you noticed in your life, lately?

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The Metamorphoses of Ovid, Book I

God reduces Chaos into order. He separates the four elements, and disposes the several bodies, of which the universe is formed, into their proper situations.

At first, the sea, the earth, and the heavens.  Which covers all things, were the only face of nature throughout the whole universe.  Which men have named Chaos; a rude and undigested mass, and nothing more than an inert weight.  And the discordant atoms of things not harmonizing, heaped together in the same spot. No Sun as yet gave light to the world; nor did the Moon, by increasing, recover her horns anew. The Earth did not as yet hang in the surrounding air, balanced by its own weight, nor had Amphitrite stretched out her arms along the lengthened margin of the coasts. Wherever, too, was the land, there also was the sea and the air; and thus was the earth without firmness, the sea unnavigable, the air void of light; in no one of them did its present form exist. And one was ever obstructing the other; because in the same body the cold was striving with the hot, the moist with the dry, the soft with the hard, things having weight with those devoid of weight.

To this discord God and bounteous Nature put an end;

For he separated the earth from the heavens, and the waters from the earth, and distinguished the clear heavens from the gross atmosphere. And after he had unravelled these elements, and released them from that confused heap, he combined them, thus disjoined, in harmonious unison, each in its proper place. The element of the vaulted heaven, fiery and without weight, shone forth, and selected a place for itself in the highest region; next after it, both in lightness and in place, was the air; the Earth was more weighty than these, and drew with it the more ponderous atoms, and was pressed together by its own gravity. The encircling waters sank to the lowermost place, and surrounded the solid globe.

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This Post Has 2 Comments

  1. Margot E.

    Easy, I do not have a lot of knowledge or experience of Step 10. Would you mind sharing more of your thoughts on how Step 10 clears the way through pain and anger? I would really appreciate anything you can share. Thanks so much and have a blessed day.

  2. easy does it

    metamorphosis happens when i open my heart up to God,
    it is up to me, whch is hard sometimes when I allow anger or pain to get in the way, a 10th step clears the way for that possibility

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