The Quality Sometimes Called, “the First Law of Personal Growth” – Step 3


Accept Yourself – The Smiths (3:59)

Expressions of Acceptance in the Animal Kingdom (4:05)

Inward Acceptance Guided Meditation (8:58)


What new quality about yourself have you had to accept, lately?

This Post Has 5 Comments

  1. Br. Buddha

    Good morning everyone + happy Thursday. I love today’s message in the meditations, “Accept Yourself”. You are exactly the way God has made you. You are truly one of a kind. So, rejoice + be glad in it + share your love with ALL others. Blessings. BB

  2. Adam

    For me, acceptance has a lot to do with distinguishing who or what I am versus what I do or what I feel. I’m not a mean or angry person, but I feel anger sometimes and I may do something spiteful. I accept that I do things that are not always appropriate and I need to work on this. But labeling my self as mean, fearful, or sick, for me, means that I’m accepting that as a permanent hopeless condition that I can’t do anything about. I’ve had to accept that I am not perfect and that I can’t beat myself up for handling my life or situations imperfectly.

  3. JB jr.

    The more I accept that I can get overly anxious, the less anxious moments I seem to feel. This is a very good thing.

  4. easy does it

    I like that, performances that yield or dont yield results. I’ve made a lot of mistakes and cost me valuable friendships, its easy to beat myself up and get into self pity, this gives me a better perspective :}

  5. Margot E.

    I used to think I hated myself. What I hated was my behavior. I learned that my actions (performance) can be changed; I can always do something different. There are no right or wrong performances – only performances that yield or do not yield the results I want and/or need. So if I choose to respond in ways that come back to haunt me, I am always within my power – within my power to choose – my power to perform. Gossip comes back to haunt me; I am trying not to gossip anymore. Those with whom I engaged in gossip have let me know that they do not appreciate this new behavior – this new performance.

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