How to be Proud & Attractive without Coming Off as Vain & Unappealing – Step 7

Shikisokuzeku – Beautiful Zen Vanity Meditation (6:47)



When have you found that your own vanity and fear of what others might think were the driving factors behind your motivations, lately?

This Post Has 4 Comments

  1. Margot E.

    The hurrier I go, the behinder I get. When I look back on my words from last year, I am reminded that for whatever reason, I do not seem to be as close to my Higher Power as I once was. I see now I have become careless and think I am steering this ship along; no time to stop, think, get centered and take the hand my Higher Power is offering. I cannot do this alone. To think that I can is false pride. In my lifetime of living with false pride, I have found it never ends well. Today I am taking the hand of my Higher Power and moving forward.

  2. Margot E.

    p.s. When I’m closer to my Higher Power, I find it easier and easier to forgive myself. When I know better, I do better. I am as I was created: good and bad character traits. New lessons all the time. I pray for wisdom to “know the difference.”

  3. Margot E.

    It makes a lot of sense. I suffer from extreme vanity because my pride quotient is so low. When I cannot esteem myself, I look outside myself for validation and the good feelings I want and need. And, as you know, it always goes back to Steps 1, 2, 3. Back to the waltz: Steps 1, 2, 3, 1, 2, 3. I am finding I need to become closer and closer to my Higher Power. It’s like I need to stay tethered to my Higher Power. Don’t leave home without Him/Her.

  4. easy does it

    Vanity, insecurity. Trying to look good rather than be good, whats my motivation, am i trying to impress someone cute, or trying to be of service, to everyone..does that make sense?

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