The little things can appear huge if I have not done them before. My daughters got my grandson a video to help with his potty training. Grover (Sesame Street) broke down learning to use the toilet into several bite-size pieces: 1) everyone gets potty trained, sooner or later; 2) you have to just keep on trying; 3) listen to your body; 4) there are steps to using the potty: pull down your pants, use the potty, use paper to wipe yourself, flush the toilet, wash your hands…etc. I had never thought of the process as being multi-layered, but it is. And finding the bite-sized pieces can make any task doable.
The little things can appear huge if I have not done them before. My daughters got my grandson a video to help with his potty training. Grover (Sesame Street) broke down learning to use the toilet into several bite-size pieces: 1) everyone gets potty trained, sooner or later; 2) you have to just keep on trying; 3) listen to your body; 4) there are steps to using the potty: pull down your pants, use the potty, use paper to wipe yourself, flush the toilet, wash your hands…etc. I had never thought of the process as being multi-layered, but it is. And finding the bite-sized pieces can make any task doable.