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Why We Give Freely – Step 7

REDEEM TODAY – “We give freely and gratefully of our time, service, and what we have found here.” “… working the Twelve Steps guides us from humiliation and despair … .” “The more eagerly we wade in and work, the richer our spiritual awakening will be.” (The Basic Text, p. 51)

“What was freely given to me, I freely give.”

– Lauryn Hill (1975 – ) U.S., recording artist


Redemption Song – Lauryn Hill ft. Ziggy Marley (5:19)

Tolerance & the Art of Giving Meditation (7:25)


How have you recently shared and given freely of yourself, lately?



Michael Vick Redemption from Dog Fighting

It’s hard for most animal lovers to truly forgive this guy for what he did, but in the end, he served his time and has not been caught doing anything bad since then, so you have to give him his due.

Mike Vick redeemed himself on the football field by becoming an even better passer after being away from the game for four years.

In fact, Vick’s career renaissance is in a league of its own. Nothing more than a bit player for the Eagles during the 2009 season—his first season back in the league after serving almost two years in prison because of his dogfighting conviction—Vick electrified the NFL in 2010.

Yes, he was a three-time Pro Bowl quarterback for Atlanta, but since his return from jail, Vick has elevated his game to a new level.

He has been more accurate than he was before, and more of a real, honest to goodness QB.

Oh, and since he served his time, no one should begrudge his return to the NFL. Even convicted felons need employment, and while most do not sign multi-million dollar contracts like Vick has, as long as he keeps his nose clean and plays well, that’s all that matters.

Football and professional sports, in general, is a business that entertains, and Vick does seem genuinely sorry for what he did.

Vick can never undo the horrific things he allowed to happen to those poor animals, and many people simply will never forgive the man. And that’s OK.

His redemption has come on the playing field.  (


Zonr pod on redeem

This Post Has One Comment

  1. Bodhi Baba

    FEATURED POST FROM THE ZONR VAULT – “I am sometimes so overwhelmed by the joy in my life that I want to stand on a busy street corner and shout about the 12-Steps to everyone who passes by. I can also be overwhelmed seeing those who lives may be so very different if they knew another way. I have to remind myself about attraction rather than promotion. Also, after a lifetime of trying to be other people’s Higher Power, I know that everyone is on a journey led by their Higher Power. Thank God, that ain’t me!” (Margot, 10/23/2011)

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