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Cultivating the “Great Reality Deep Down Inside” – Step 11

LISTEN CAREFULLY AND YOUR TRUTH WILL SPEAK – “Sometimes we had to search fearlessly, but He was there. He was as much a fact as we were. We found the Great Reality deep down within us.  In the last analysis, it is only there that He may be found.  It was so with us.” (The Big Book, p. 55)

“What I am actually saying is that we need to be willing to let our intuition guide us, and then be willing to follow that guidance directly and fearlessly.”

– Shakti Gawain (1948 – ) U.S. spiritual author


What have you discovered about the “Great Reality” within you, lately?


Harlem Shake – Swim Team Underwater (0:30)

Shakti Gawain on Creative Visualization (7:03)

 Healing the Body, Mind & Spirit Meditation (40:28)


Pale Hunter.

A man who wanted to be known as a fearless hunter set out to bag game.

He found the tracks of a lion and followed them till they disappeared in stony ground.

Just then, a woodcutter came by.

Pale Hunter“Look here, my man,” said the hunter grandly. “I was following a lion and have lost his tracks. Can you help me find them again?”

“”There’s no need to look for his tracks,” said the woodcutter. “I’ll take you to the lion himself.”

The hunter turned pale.

“The l-lion,” he said, “no, no, just show me his tracks.”

Moral: One who pretends to be what he is not is soon exposed.

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This Post Has 4 Comments

  1. Jim Brown

    In my own way, I am all powerful….its just a matter of remembering this, and not giving in to the bullies of the world.

  2. Slim Jim

    I discovered that the great reality within me is strong and powerful.I feel more confident than ever before that that it helps me to stand up for the things that I truly believe . recently I had tomake it crystal clear how deeply I value where I live and the results exceeded my expectations. (8 mins)

  3. JB jr.

    The Great Reality within me is loving and patient and when I can feel its presence I am at peace.

  4. Margot E.

    There was a song in the 60’s or 70’s with the words, “Look over your shoulder, you’ll find me – waiting, waiting…” It would take a whole lot of love to have someone walk away from you for almost 35 years and take them back, no questions asked, beloved still, unconditionally.

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