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The Greatest Gifts of All can Neither be Easily Described, Nor Defined – Step 2

“The human
body is vapor
materialized by sun
shine mixed with
the life of the
stars.”  Paracelsus (1493 – 1541) Renaissance Swiss German founder of toxicology on spiritual gifts

Today’s SFZ


“If what we have
learned and felt and
seen means anything
at all, it means that all of
us, whatever our race, creed,
or color are the children of
a living Creator with whom
we may form a relationship
upon simple and understand-
able terms as soon as we
are willing and honest
enough to try.” (The
Big Book, p. 28)

Hammer Time Flash Mob: Sunset Blvd, Hollywood, CA (1:37)

Secrets of the Ancients, Machu Picchu & Pyramids Meditation (9:37)

Question ::: What are some of the ‘gifts’ or benefits you’ve experienced with having an HP in you life?

The Gift of The Fox :

The forest was buzzing with activity. All the animals and birds were dressed in their best. They were all carrying colourfully packed gifts and heading for the lion’s den. It was the lion king’s birthday and he had invited everyone. At the den, all the animals were present but the fox was absent. The wolf was jealous of the fox. So he got a chance to get him in trouble.

The wolf said to the lion, “Your Majesty, See how insulting the fox has been. He has not come to wish or gift you on this great occasion.”

Just then the fox reached the den. He overheard the wolf talking against him. The clever fox grew thoughtful. Then he said, “Your Majesty, I got late because I had gone to get magical shoes for you. They will keep you forever young. But unfortunately I couldn’t get them.”

“Why?” The lion asked. “Because there was no wolf skin to make it.”

The wolf heard this and ran away from the den. He did not want to be killed to be made into the lion’s shoes.  (

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This Post Has 5 Comments

  1. Misty S.

    Good morning that was a great analogy of how my addiction can eat me I am so grateful to be a part of .Being in the moment and be in the middle of the pack as opposed to living alone. I really appreciate a new Perspective everyday helps me to want to be clean and sober and develop a relationship with the universe to have a life beyond my wildest dreams have a great day

  2. Br. Buddha

    Good morning everyone + Happy Friday. Here is today’s thought. We are of one family. A family that has no race, money, age, social standing, sexual orientation, or anything else that makes us different from each other. But we do have our God given gifts + talents. So, join our family. We are all God has + who knows what all God, through us, can do. Blessings. BB

  3. Adam

    Omg, the Hammer time video is hilarious. My having faith has to do with knowing that anything I can’t control will be handled by my higher power. And, things don’t always turn out the way I think they should. My understanding of my God is that goodness doesn’t always win, but it is the way it was meant to be. And that I will never understand that completely. In the absence of control, all I have is my faith that God has it handled. The hardest part of letting go for me is knowing things aren’t going to always turn out good.

  4. JB jr.

    I see my greatest gift is the ability to imagine what has never been before. Today I was really pleased and grateful for the ideas that sprang from they USFZ design session today.

  5. Margot E.

    For me, working the 12-Steps has been a great equalizer. I believe that we all want two things in this life: to love and to be loved. I learned last night that my ex-husband has transitioned out of the body. He taught me my first lessons about alcoholism, co-dependency, and dreams deferred. Today, I can be with my daughter as she grieves for her father; and for that I am grateful. Adios, John. See you around the universe!

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