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Do We Really want a “Faith which Does Not Doubt” – Step 2

“Faith which does
not doubt is dead faith.”

– Miguel de Unamuno (1864 – 1936)
Spanish philosopher


“Despite contrary
indications, I had lit-
tle doubt that a mighty
purpose and rhythm un-
derlay all. I simply had to
believe in a Spirit of the Uni-
verse, who knew neither time
nor limitation. But that was
as far as I had gone. With
ministers, and the world’s
religions, I parted right
there.” (The Big
Book, p. 10)


Question :::  How does doubt factor in your faith, lately?


Miguel de Unamuno, Tragic Sense of Life (15:06)

Doubts Even Here (New Order) remastered (4:21)

Zen Garden Buddhist Meditation (17:58)


The Faithful Mongoose :

Indu and Lav were a young Indian couple and they had a beautiful baby boy. One day, Indu said to her husband: ‘You must look after the baby, while I go down to the river.’ Lav sat down beside the pram and the baby fell asleep at once. A short time later, a messenger arrived from the royal palace and ordered Lav to follow him there to speak on behalf of a friend. Lav had to entrust the baby to the pet mongoose which the young couple kept in the house. In India, people keep mongoose rather to keep cats. But where cats hunt mice, a mongoose does not hesitate to confront a snake. What is more, mongooses are more loyal than cats. The mongoose at once sat down to guard the baby. When a huge python entered by the window and approached the pram, the mongoose was ready for it and killed the python.

When Lav came back and found the mongoose, mouth and paws dripping with blood, he immediately thought the worst and beat the faithful animal. How surprised he was when he went into the house and found the baby sleeping peacefully and a huge python dead on the floor by the pram.

From that day on, the young couple loved the courageous mongoose even more and Indu learnt that he should never doubt a faithful friend. (



Today’s SFZ

This Post Has 2 Comments

  1. Slim Jim jr.

    I find that I am constantly, “acting as if”. That way I don’t let my fears get in the of my dreams. Nowadays, doubt does not seem to be a factor.

  2. Br. Buddha

    Good morning everyone + Happy Thursday. Here is today’s thought. In my early sobriety, there were so many things I did not understand. I had to “Act As If”. I had to “Suit Up + Show Up”. I had to “Bring The Body, The Mind Would Follow”. When I did these things, I eventually learned. I eventually changed. Have faith. Take that leap of faith. You too will believe, You too will change. You too will grow. And you too will become. Blessings. BB

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