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The Feeling When “You Give Your All and Yet it Always Feels as if It Cost You Nothing” – Step 2

Generosity Question ::: “When have you given freely, lately?”

Featured Comment by Adam ::: “I often help clean up after meetings. Chairs away, etc. Washed coffee cups a few nights ago. I always put at least $2 in the basket, one for me and one for someone who can’t pay. I tip well outside of AA every day.”

Today’s SFZ


“… we find the treasure of friendship often where we least expect it, with people we once would have excluded from our lives. Such treasure is all around us, and all we have to do is open our hearts to receive it. (Overeaters Anon., p. 135)

Thank-You (for the best days of my life) – Dido (3:14)
De Beauvoir Brief Bio (9:37)

Open Heart – Om Namah Shiva Mantra (11:24:56)

He took a few cups of love

by Muhammad Ali

He took a few cups of love.
He took one tablespoon of patience,
One teaspoon of generosity,
One pint of kindness.
He took one quart of laughter,
One pinch of concern.
And then, he mixed willingness with happiness.
He added lots of faith,
And he stirred it up well.
Then he spread it over a span of a lifetime,
And he served it to each and every deserving person he met.

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This Post Has 2 Comments

  1. Br. Buddha

    Good morning everyone + Happy Thursday. I am part of AA. Although I am one among many, I am one. Through the fellowship of my brothers + sisters, I receive help to build the buried life within me. AA may be human in its origin, but is divine in its purpose. The purpose is to guide me toward God + a better life. I vote for AA. Blessings. BB

  2. Adam

    I often help clean up after meetings. Chairs away, etc. Washed coffee cups a few nights ago. I always put at least $2 in the basket, one for me and one for someone who can’t pay. I tip well outside of AA every day.

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