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Benefits You can Touch; Found in the “World of the Spirit” – Step 3

From Adam — “The parts of us that are one with each other. This quote below, I believe, was meant to apply to romantic love. But I have come to believe it can apply to people in general when they are in communion with each other.
“I honour the place in you in which the entire universe dwells. I honour the place in you which is of Love, of Truth, of Light, and of Peace. When you are in that place in you and I am in that place in me, We are One.” -Ancient Sanskrit Blessing the World

Today’s SFZ

Question ::: What does “the world of the spirit” mean to you?

The Crossroads – Bones Thugs N’ Harmony (3:39)

Be The Change (2:07)

Cosmic Meditation thru Space (7:00)

The kindness of The Farmer :

Once upon a time, a king’s army was going back after a battle. They finished their food supplies.  So the king asked his soldiers to go to a nearby village and get the grains. Some soldiers and their commander entered the village and met a farmer. The commander asked him, “Dear farmer, can you lead us to this village’s largest field?”

He took them to a large field. Then the commander ordered his soldiers, “Cut and collect all the grains.” At this, the farmer got scared, He said, “Sir, come and I’ll show you another field.”

The soldiers went with him to a small field. They collected the grains from that field. The commander asked the farmer why he led them to this field. The farmer replied, “That field belongs to someone else. How could I let you destroy it? This is my field and here I can allow you to do, what I wish.”

The king learnt of the farmer’s kind concern for others and paid him handsomely for his grains.

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This Post Has 4 Comments

  1. Br. Buddha

    Good morning everyone + Happy Monday. Here is today’s thought.

    I love the “Crossroads” video today. (Above) One of us to do a task is so hard. But when joined by another, things begin to get done. When the third one helps, progress is being made. And any more who join the cause, well the results are boundless. So, let’s join together + make life happen. Remember, it takes a whole village to raise a child.

    Blessings. BB

  2. Adam

    The parts of us that are one with each other. This quote below, I believe, was meant to apply to romantic love. But I have come to believe it can apply to people in general when they are in communion with each other.
    “I honour the place in you in which the entire universe dwells. I honour the place in you which is of Love, of Truth, of Light, and of Peace. When you are in that place in you and I am in that place in me, We are One.” -Ancient Sanskrit Blessing

  3. JB jr.

    I have totly bought into the idea that we exist in a spiritual realm as well as physical where we affect one another in powerful and meaningful ways by the way we interact with one another.

  4. Margot E.

    I am here to enrich the world. Hmmmmm, interesting. I find that I am sometimes reluctant to speak out; I am afraid to speak my truth. The first of the Four Agreements is to be impeccable to the word. A sacred text says “the Word was made flesh and dwelt amongst us.” My word may be my connection to my Higher Power. To misrepresent my truth is to break my connection with my Higher Power. My word then becomes the essential me – my essential universe. When I say I “…made a decision to turn my mind and my will over to the care of God…” that becomes my universe, my truth.

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