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“Self-Will Run Riot”: ‘Demanding Others to Live as We want Them to Live’ – Step 3

From Adam — “Self-love for me is when I’m doing something that I know is healthy for me, spiritually, mentally, or physically. Sometimes my self-will has taken control and I’m doing something to satisfy my ego, such as buying a $100 shirt, trying to manipulate, or otherwise, acquire something to satisfy my immediate wants. This is sometimes at the sacrifice of my own long term health and happiness. I guess I end up often having to ask myself what is my motivation when a situation doesn’t feel 100% like the right thing to do. I still don’t always make the best decisions, but I do more often as time goes on.” (on self-will run riot)

Today’s SFZ

How do you distinguish the difference between acting with self- love in mind and actions where ‘self-will run riot’?

Oscar Wilde on Trial – The love that dare not speak its name (3:25)

Animal – Miike Snow (3:34)

10 Tips to Building Good Self-Esteem (24:03) 

SELF LOVE While you Sleep (2:01:04)


“So our troubles,
we think, are basically
of our own making. They
arise out of ourselves” “and
an extreme example of SELF-
WILL RUN RIOT, though he usu-
ally doesn’t think so. Above
everything, we … must be
rid of this selfishness. We
must, or it kills us.”
(The Big Book,

p. 62)


“Now indulgence
in these character
defects clouds our abil-
ity to think logically. Self-
ishness becomes an in-
tolerable, destructive
chain that ties us to
our bad  habits.”
(The Basic Text,
p. 34)

is not living
as one wishes to
live, it is asking
others to live as
one wishes
to live.”

– Oscar Wilde (1854 – 1900) famed UK author, died in prison for being openly Gay

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This Post Has 5 Comments

  1. WAYNE

    self will for me is rooted in ego. each day i pray to remove my ego and self obsession so i can see where gods will is for me to follow. usually its obvious for me: anything outside of myself, service to others and my community.

  2. Simon Yebio

    Time is the filter. If an issue comes up over and over and over and over. I decide to act with self love. I’ve done that very recently with a personal relationship

  3. Adam

    Self-love for me is when I’m doing something that I know is healthy for me, spiritually, mentally, or physically. Sometimes my self-will has taken control and I’m doing something to satisfy my ego, such as buying a $100 shirt, trying to manipulate, or otherwise, acquire something to satisfy my immediate wants. This is sometimes at the sacrifice of my own long term health and happiness. I guess I end up often having to ask myself what is my motivation when a situation doesn’t feel 100% like the right thing to do. I still don’t always make the best decisions, but I do more often as time goes on.

  4. easy does it

    When i dont do things with a prayerful attitude thats when self will comes in. Which usually doesnt end with hugs and puppies.

    1. JB jr.

      LOL. Tooo true. No hugs and puppies when we throw our spiritual principles out the window.

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