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Are These “Extravagant Promises” or Everyday Miracles Just within Our Reach – Step 3

“The miracle, or
the power, that ele-
vates the few is to be
found in their industry, ap-
plication, and persever-
ance under the prompt-
ing of a brave, deter-
mined spirit.”

– Mark Twain (1835 – 1910) U.S. author / satirist

Today’s SFZ

How have you successfully handled a situation that used to “baffle” you?

“Why, who makes much of a miracle?
As to me, I know of nothing else but miracles,
Whether I walk the streets of Manhattan,
Or dart my sight over the roofs of houses toward the sky,
Or wade with naked feet along the beach just in the edge of the
water … ” – excerpt from Walt Whitman poem below

How to Clear Your Mind (9:05)

The Most Holy Names of God Meditation II (6:44)

God – by Prince  (7:35)


“We will intuitively
know how to handle
situations which used to
baffle us. We will suddenly
realize that God is doing for us
what we could not do for our-
selves. Are these extrava-
gant promises? We
think not.” (Life
with Hope,

p. 162)


“By shaping our
thoughts with spiri-
tual ideals, we are freed
to become who we want to
be. What we had feared, we
can now overcome through our
dependence on a loving God.”
“Whenever, we confront a dif-
ficulty that we do not think
we can handle, we ask
God to do for us what
we cannot do for
ourselves.” (Over-
eaters Anon.,
p. 13)

“The miracle, or
the power, that ele-
vates the few is to be
found in their industry, ap-
plication, and persever-
ance under the prompt-
ing of a brave, deter-
mined spirit.”

– Mark Twain (1835 – 1910) U.S. author/satirist


by Walt Whitman, 1819 – 1892

Why, who makes much of a miracle?
As to me, I know of nothing else but miracles,
Whether I walk the streets of Manhattan,
Or dart my sight over the roofs of houses toward the sky,
Or wade with naked feet along the beach just in the edge of the
Or stand under trees in the woods,
Or talk by day with anyone I love, or sleep in the bed at night
with anyone I love,
Or sit at table at dinner with the rest,
O r  look at strangers opposite me riding in the car,
Or watch honey-bees busy around the hive of a summer
Or animals feeding in the fields,
O r  birds, or the wonderfulness of insects in the air,
Or the wonderfulness of the sundown, or of stars shining so
quiet and bright,
Or the exquisite delicate thin curve of the new moon in spring;
These with the rest, one and all, are to me miracles,
The whole referring, yet each distinct and in its place.

To me, every hour of the light and dark is a miracle,
Every cubic inch of space is a miracle,
Every square yard of the surface of the earth is spread with the
Every foot of the interior swarms with the same.

To me, the sea is a continual miracle,
The fishes that swim—the rocks—the motion of the waves—the
ships with men in them,
What stranger miracles are there?

Zonr pod on miracles

This Post Has 2 Comments

  1. Simon Yebio

    Yes I had a situation at work yesterday where for moment I felt overwhelmed and wanted to quit but it wasn’t a deep desire to quit I just wrote it through and stayed calm and continue through my day

  2. Adam

    God is taking care of a few friends of mine that I can’t help. I’ve had to let go of them, at least for now. One is an addict and one is very co-dependent.

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