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Clutch the Pearls as “Beggars, Tramps, Queers and Fallen Women” Take To the Streets

“So beggars, tramps, asylum inmates, prisoners, queers, plain crack-pots, and fallen women were definitely out … . Yes, WE WERE INTOLERANT.” (12 & 12, pp. 139 – 140)

How have you demonstrated, tolerance, lately?


“Since the only re-
quirement for member-
ship is a desire to stop us-
ing, we as members have no
reason to judge each other.
Desire is not a measurable
commodity. It lives in the
heart of each individ-
ual member.” (The
Basic Text, p.106)

“What is objection-
able, what is dangerous,
about extremists is not that
they are extreme, but that they
are intolerant. The evil is not
what they say about their
cause, but what they say
about their opponents.”

– Sen. Robert F. Kennedy (1925 – 1968) U.S. Attorney General

Gypsies, Tramps, and Thieves – Cher (2:53)

Tolerance and the Art of Giving (7:25)

Inner Peace Guided Meditation (9:31)


“Since the only re-
quirement for member-
ship is a desire to stop us-
ing, we as members have no
reason to judge each other.
Desire is not a measurable
commodity. It lives in the
heart of each individ-
ual member.” (The
Basic Text, p.106)

“What is objection-
able, what is dangerous,
about extremists is not that
they are extreme, but that they
are intolerant. The evil is not
what they say about their
cause, but what they say
about their opponents.”

– Sen. Robert F. Kennedy (1925 – 1968) U.S. Attorney General

Zonr pod on tolerance

This Post Has 6 Comments

  1. elle

    I need to give myself a break. I think that I deserve more tolerance and forgiveness than I afford myself. I think I will then be more tolerant of others. I find myself nitpicking and critiquing quite often, casting a kind of quiet judgement on others. It is so unhelpful!!! It also gets me down. I didn{t hear from someone that I would like to be communicating with and I fell into a bit of a shame spiral today, but then ‘ I picked myself up quite quickly and realized that it is very normal to feel rejected and let down, and I can understand feelings of rejection as being a part of the human condition. I am not exempt from feeling rejected and disappointed, much as I might like to be. In fact, feeling rejected and disappointment is actually something that gives me strength in my humanity and reminds me that I am human.

  2. Simon Yebio

    ToDay at work I had to listen to my supervisor speak at me with accusations and things that were told to her by a co-worker of mine. Though thosr things were not fully accurate I sat there calmly and open and just listened without responding. later I got a phone call and things changed my perception. so I’m glad I didn’t respond react and I just responded instead tolerance comes in many different forms

  3. Adam

    I have to still “tolerate” a lot every day so one example is difficult to pull out of the air. I pretty much stick with my response months ago. Toleration is a painful thing as that means I already have a resentment about something and am keeping my mouth shut. Keeping my mouth shut is a good thing in most of these circumstances, but then I have this unspoken resentment. So I need to deal with resentments so I don’t reach the point that I have to tolerate as much.

  4. easy does it

    When I get angry with someone i think the best thing
    Maybe is to try to walk in their shoes
    God knows ive needed people to walk in mine Lol

  5. Margot E.

    I consider myself to be a “tolerant” person and yet I continue to get called out for narrow thinking, doing, and saying. There are people I try to understand – especially those who do not “tolerate” me. I find myself in meetings taking other peoples’ inventories. I have to step back, call myself out, and figure out what’s going on with me that I chose to step out of my own life and into someone else’s. It’s usually all about pain. I have no doubt we are all sometimes in pain. The compassion you spoke of is right on! Compassion and the presumption of goodwill.

  6. Adam

    I tolerate people every day because I’m angry more than I should be. Bad drivers, too many people, annoying people at work, annoying people who don’t communicate what they want, or they over-communicate things I don’t care about. But it isn’t just about me. And is tolerance really enough? I do it just like others do. But isn’t there already a problem if we have to tolerate? This means that something or someone is already a problem for us. Maybe the goal is to be compassionate, not just to tolerate. I wish my goal to be more compassionate so I need to tolerate less.

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