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How Our Self-Perceptions are Deeply Warped Due to the ‘Fun House Mirror Effect’ – Step 4

“A gift – be it
a present, a kind
word or a job done
with care and love – ex-
plains itself … and if re-
ceivin’ it embarrass-
es you, it’s because
your ‘thanks box’
is warped.”

– Alice Childress (1920 – 1994) Afro-Amer., feminist writer

Today’s SFZ


“We want to find
exactly how, when,
and where our natural
desires have warp-
ed us.” (12 &
12, p, 42)

What self-perceptions have you held, lately, that no longer serve you?

Shame – Evelyn Champagne King (6:31)

Creative Quotations by Alice Childress (1:28)

Meditation for Deep Introspection (9:40)

The Snake and The Foolish Frogs :

“Once a snake who had grown weak with old age came across a pond where many frogs lived with their king, queen and little prince. The snake had not eaten for many days. He tried to catch some of the frogs, but was too weak to catch any of them. “I will have to think of some solution or I will soon die,” the snake thought.

Just then he saw the frog prince and his friends. They were busy in their game and did not notice the snake. When they came very close, one of them saw the snake and jumped up, “Oh, a snake,” he shouted in fear. All of them ran for their lives. But when the snake did not move, the frog prince went up to it. The snake still did not move. “Let me see if he is dead?” said the frog prince and knocked on the snake’s head and jumped away quickly.

The snake slowly opened its eyes and said, “Do not worry. I will not get angry no matter what you do.”

The frogs were very surprised. “I once bit a sage’s son,” explained the snake. “The sage got angry and cursed me that I would carry frogs on my back for the rest of my life.”

Hearing this, the frog prince jumped up with joy. “Then I will ride on your back,” he said. So the frog prince jumped on top of the snake and commanded, “Take me to my parents.”

The king and the queen were amazed at the sight. “Father, look, I am riding a snake,” shouted the prince. “Let us also ride the snake,” the queen urged the frog king. So they all sat on the snake.

“You are moving very slowly,” complained the prince. “What can I do,” answered the snake sadly. “I have not eaten for several days.”

“Why have you not eaten? The royal mount should be fast and strong,” said the king.

“I can eat only with your permission,” answered the snake.

“Your subjects are my food.”

“How can I permit you to eat us?” asked the king.

“Not the royal frogs,” explained the snake. “I cannot permit you to eat my subjects,” said the frog king.

The prince was upset and cried. “Father, please permit him. I don’t want to loose him.”

Even the queen spoke up. “Do permit the snake. How many frogs can he eat anyway? We have many subjects.”

At last the king had to grant permission. The snake began to eat many frogs every day. Soon he was very strong and healthy. Now, he moved very quickly. The prince was thrilled to ride a snake that moved so fast.

One day the snake went to the frog king. “I am hungry O king. There are no more frogs left in the pond. So now I am going to cat you all.”

And the wicked snake pounced on all the three royal frogs and ate them up.”  (

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This Post Has 9 Comments

  1. Tony o

    Once I feel a social requirement. It’s in my nature to follow through. I’ve noticed this can be taken advantage of. I need to keep objectivity and focus on mutual benefit and growth.

  2. Simon Yebio

    The self deprivation thought that I’ve had about myself which no longer serves me is believing that I am not capable of living life on life’s terms without the exact assistance from other people. In other words being able to support myself without family and friends directly involved in the day-to-day

  3. Margo

    Coming to realize that my “thanks box” cannot be filled unless I am working on my resentments. It is long past time for me to let go of resentments that are literally age-old. Time for me to step up, stop being filled with bitterness because of misunderstandings, and create space in myself for love and joy. Say, “bye-bye” resentments!

  4. Br. Buddha

    Good morning everyone + happy July 5. Here is today’s thought. Sometimes we have to go through something which seems unbearable + terrible. However, these trials can be the very seeds which will lead to something good. Trust in God. He will give you the strength to overcome. Blessings. BB

  5. JB jr.

    I know realize I’ve once again had ‘unreasonable expectations’ of a spiritual teacher and now must right-size that relationship. This is prolly my most frequent character defect.

  6. Adam

    I guess I’m still too much of a newcomer (11 days) and still just starting to dig through my own BS. I’ve felt pretty thankful every day since my last drink. Because I was just done. So I still am feeling like a burden has been lifted. So lately I’ve felt pretty grateful. I guess the idea that suddenly my life is all hunky dorry is a little “warped.” But as long as I’m moving forward in recovery I’m not going to second guess it.

  7. Margot E.

    I once heard a drug/alcohol counselor say in exasperation, “They don’t know how to be grateful!” Well, of course we do not know how to be grateful; Coming up for air after many years underwater, we first gasp for breath; ah, sweet oxygen in my lungs; sweet Higher Power in my life! Then we realize we have totally screwed up our lives and begin to recover from that. Then, working the first three steps we learn we are loved, lovable and loving. I learn to be grateful for the unconditional love I get and can give. Then I realize that things may not be so bad after all.

  8. Slim Jim

    I still have problems accepting praise and that feels like it comes from low self-esteem. What I need to keep in mind is that not only am I worth a little praise now and then, its also makes the giver of praise feel more comfortable when I accept their praise with grace.

  9. brita

    Again, great quote. I can never see the good of hard work I do & am embarrassed by compliments or minimize it – I’m against me! help AA! 🙂

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