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These will Definitely Stop All Spiritual Progress Dead in Its Tracks – Step 4

  • From Ari T. – “This entry was exactly what I needed today 🙂 it had me reflect on how self-pity made my life unmanageable the last few days. I threw the full pity party, feeding my disease with self-destructive behaviors … “

Today’s SFZ

Stephen Fry Speaks on Self-Pity (2:14)  

The Antidote for feeling sorry for oneself Meditation (3:55)

Movie GI Jane recites Self Pity poem (1:36)

Other than “Honesty, Faith & Responsibility” what would you replace self-pity with and why?


by D.H. Lawrence

I never saw a wild thing
sorry for itself.
A small bird will drop frozen dead from a bough
without ever having felt sorry for itself.

A Short Analysis of D. H. Lawrence’s ‘Self-Pity’

by Sana Kapur

Self-Pity by D.H Lawrence is a short poem about self-pity and the fear of death in humans. Lawrence begins by giving an example of a wild “thing” or wild animal. Just the way an animal does not lament on the misfortunes or the bad luck it has face[d] in the past and moves on, humans should do the same. Humans often have a tendency to be melancholic and broken-hearted due to events that do not go as they wished or instances that cause a misfortune. Humans must take inspiration from these animals and learn to live life as it comes, instead of grieving on the misfortunes of the past.

Lawrence then gives an example of a bird and says that a small bird which drops dead from a bough never feels sorry for itself. He compares an animal as small as a bird to a human, a much larger mammal. He conveys to the readers of the poem that just the way a small bird, which may drop dead at any time, does not live in fear of death and rather moves on living life, humans should do the same. Humans must not live in fear of the inevitable death, but rather move on in life, live life to the fullest and accept death as it comes, for death cannot be avoided.

Self Pity is a short, inspirational poem written by D.H Lawrence which inspires the readers to move on in life, not to grieve over their past misfortunes and not to fear the unavoidable death.  ( pod on pity

This Post Has 10 Comments

  1. Ari tibi

    This entry was exactly what I needed today 🙂 it had me reflect on how self pity made my life unmanageable the last few days. I threw the full pity party, feeding my disease with self destructive behaviors and sulking. Watering the weeds, as my sponsor says. When I was done, I felt hungover even without taking a single drink. So I went to a meeting. During the meeting, I thought how I would share how tortured I felt, consumed by my disease and how my “misfortunes” were too much to bear. Suddenly, I realized, this is my medicine. This meeting, right now. So I took it without second thought and left my future tripping about my share behind. Ego lives in the past and future but God lives in the present.

  2. Marco

    I would have pray to my higher power to give me strength and guidance to replace the self-pity

  3. Tony O.

    Forgetting my purpose will cause my to lose focus. Not always can you hold all things at all times, but you have to keep objective.

  4. Simon Yebio

    I would replace self-pity with courage because I think it’s the exact opposite when I’m feeling worthless and act like I can’t do something I just replace that with courage and just do what I can do without thinking about it

  5. Bohdi Baba

    This year’s analysis of the poem makes a great point. It’s courage and acceptance, in my view, that help to ward off feeling sorry for ones’ self.

  6. Margo

    Self-pity has been a constant companion for me. I regard humiliation, depression and self-pity as my “go to” emotions. Having them firmly in place, no one can shame or embarrass me as I am already there. Working the first three of the 12-Steps has taught me that I am unconditionally loved; a Power greater than myself loves me just for being me. So, I get to pray and move to mindfulness when self-pity threatens. Self-pity is, after all, a choice. My Higher Power does not hold me in contempt; who am I to second-guess my Higher Power?

  7. Br. Buddha

    Good morning every one + happy Tuesday. Here is today’s thought. You CAN do it. Have faith in the Higher Power who guides you + equips you. And remember to spread the love around. Blessings. BB

  8. Adam

    It has been a while since I felt self-pity as that has never been a big issue for me. My parents were the pull yourself up by the bootstraps sort. When I’m feeling down or tempted to go there I keep myself busy until it passes and I can reflect on things more logically. The last time I suppose was 3 years ago when both my parents passed away.

  9. brita

    Self pity is also very boring because that’s when I am the only person in the world.

    1. JB jr.

      Too true. Self pity is a waste of time. And now, due to popular demand. Each SFZ that receives a comment will also get the the full SFZ script posted below so others can easily reply to the first comment made.

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