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The Reasons Why Big Secrets Explode when We Let Sleeping Dogs Lie – Step 5

“[We] tend to
live secret lives.
For many years, we
covered low self-esteem
by hiding behind phony
images that we hop-
ed would fool peo-
ple.” (The Basic
Text, p.33)

Today’s SFZ

How do you decide with whom to share a big secret you may hold?

(In honor of those who lost their lives in El Paso and Dayton due to mass shooters – 8/3/2019)


“Provided you
hold back nothing,
your sense of relief
will mount from minute
to minute. The dammed-up
emotions of years break out
of their confinement, and mi-
raculously vanish as soon as
they are exposed. As the
pain subsides, a healing
tranquility takes its
place.” (12 &
12 p. 62)

“The face is
the mirror of the
mind, and eyes, with-
out speaking, confess
the secrets of the heart.”

– Saint Jerome (374 AD – 419 AD) Latin Christian priest

St. Jerome Brief Bio (1:54)

Mirror in the Bathroom – The English Beat (4:45)

Underground Secret Cavern Meditation (10:01)

The Gardener: Do Not Keep to Yourself.

by  Rabindranath Tagore

Do not keep to yourself the secret of
your heart, my friend!

Say it to me, only to me, in secret.

You who smile so gently, softly
whisper, my heart will hear it, not my

The night is deep, the house is
silent, the birds’ nests are shrouded
with sleep.

Speak to me through hesitating
tears, through faltering smiles, through
sweet shame and pain, the secret of
your heart!

Zonr pod on keeping a secret

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