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One of the Best Ways We can Cherish and Honor Our Feelings Before They Overwhelm – Step 4

“A name
identity, a deep
feeling and holds
tremendous sig-
nificance to its

– Rachel Ingber (U.S. author / economist)

Today’s full SFZ

What causes you to have feelings you find difficult to call by name, lately?

Feelings – Nina Simone (4:57)

Powering up the Divine – Unified Field Meditation LP (17:35)


“Naming our feel-
ings is important, for
once we do so, we can
begin to deal with them.
Rather than panicking over
how we feel, we can specifi-
cally say how we’re feeling.
This gets us away from our
limited way of identifying
feelings as either “good”
or “bad” with not much
in between.” (It Works,
How & Why, p. 30)


“Suppose that finan-
cial insecurity constant-
ly arouses these same
feelings.” “And if the ac-
tions of others are part of the
cause, what can I do about
that?” “Questions like these,
more of which will come to
mind easily in each indivi-
dual case, will help turn
up the root causes.”
(12 & 12, pp. 53-4)

“A name repre-
sents identity, a deep
feeling and holds tremend-
ous significance to its owner.”

– Rachel Ingber (U.S. author / economist)


by Spike Milligan

There must be a wound!
No one can be this hurt
and not bleed.

How could she injure me so?
No marks
No bruises

People say ‘My, you’re looking well’
…..God help me!
She’s mummified me –

Zonr pod on Feelings

This Post Has 7 Comments

  1. Tony. O

    By puting a name to it you give yourself the feeling of control over it.

  2. Bohdi Baba

    When I am falling in love I find it hard to express that to my partner. Let alone, how these new feelings of wellbeing feel.

  3. Simon Yebio

    When someone has disregard for me and shows it by displaying behaviors that are uncomfortable

  4. Br. Buddha

    Good morning everyone + happy Sunday. Here is today’s thought. Sometimes when we pray, we expect our prayers to be answered in a specific way. But sometimes we have to understand that God does answer our prayers in ways in which we did not ask for. But His way is the best way. Keep the faith. Blessings. BB

  5. Adam

    Wanting romance and love but the prospect of dating is daunting. But nothing ventured nothing gained.

  6. brita

    when I am a mess I carefully assess the facts of what is going on – this helps me cope & helps me be not just a bag of nerves, which is never helpful.

    1. JB jr.

      Sometimes I just have to remember to breathe. Its amazing how quickly I can invent “facts” in my head.

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