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The Only Option Left when the Heart is Clenched in a Fistful of Fear – Step 9


“Whenever we
confront a difficulty
that we do not think we
can handle, we ask God
[or our Higher Power] to
do for us what we can
not do for ourselves.”
(The Basic Text,
p. 83)

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“We receive His
peace when we ask
Him for it. We keep His
peace by extending it to
others. Those are the
keys and there are
no others.”

– Marianne Williamson (1952 – ) U.S. spiritual author / speaker

In order to maintain serenity and peace, what has caused you to desperately feel the need to pray, lately?

The Fox and The Geese :

A fox jumped into a flock of geese, ready to eat them all. Feeling generous, he thought he would grant them a last desire.

‘Please let us say our prayers, so we can die in peace,’ they asked. The fox agreed and the first goose began to honk loudly with great feeling. It had not yet finished, when a second goose began to honk, followed by a third, then a fourth and then another and another.

And eventually the honking gave the fox such a bad headache that he decided to go home without any supper at all.

Zonr pod on peace

This Post Has 3 Comments

  1. Slim Jim

    I’m ok with getting angry sometimes. It seems that I’m getting angry about stuff really matters to me. Its how I express it that matters.

    First I gotta continue to pray that I see those whom I’m angry at as children of God. Then, at the very least, not make personal attacks because that would mean I’m attacking creation itself.

  2. Margot E.

    What a joy anger is for me; until I started my Program, I did not allow myself to feel – I relied on others to tell me how they felt so I could feel the same way, too! Now I have learned that my feelings give me a lot of information about who I am, and how I choose to respond to the world around me. My reaction is the result of my values and beliefs – how I act out those feelings is my choice. When angry, I can choose to shout, count to ten (thousand), say, “I need a timeout,” or simply walk away. My issue is not with my anger, but how I choose to perform my anger. That’s my story and I’m sticking to it…

  3. easy does it

    anger seems to be an issue, past things pop up and its easy to dwell on . need to remember to let go and let god, and the saint francis prayer is always good.
    my goal is to be an instrument of peace.

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