“Among individuals as among nations, the respect to other people’s rights is peace.” – Pres. Benito Juarez (Mexican President (1861-72), 1806-1972) on the meaning of heart
“We are no longer
fighting fear, anger,
guilt, self-pity or depres
sion. We realize that the
Power that brought us to
this program is still with us
and will continue to guide us
if we allow It.” “The proof of
this step is shown in the
way we live.” (It Works,
How & Why, p. 27)
Question ::: When have you found it in your heart to resist the urge not to reciprocate, lately?
When Love Takes Over – David Guetta (3:18)
Juarez – The Movie (2:10)
SF Bay Smooth Jazz Piano Heart Meditation (10:27)
When I Was One-and-Twenty
by A. E. Housman
When I was one-and-twenty
I heard a wise man say,
“Give crowns and pounds and guineas
But not your heart away;
Give pearls away and rubies
But keep your fancy free.”
But I was one-and-twenty,
No use to talk to me.
When I was one-and-twenty
I heard him say again,
“The heart out of the bosom
Was never given in vain;
’Tis paid with sighs a plenty
And sold for endless rue.”
[A]nd I am two-and-twenty,
And oh, ’tis true, ’tis true.
Daily I have to resist the urge to fight and take a breath and listen. Fortunately, my hair-pin fear trigger has been deadened by recovery. This last time came when a co-worker made a suggestion about how I should do my work. I merely let the suggestion pass unanswered.
The journey back to my Higher Power began when I was given the gift of breast cancer. Or maybe even before that when someone asked if I believed in God and I said no, but realized that the God they meant was not the God of my understanding. My Higher Power has allowed me to take my time to re-establish our relationship. This Higher Power is loving and tender yet knows there are some things I must do for myself. And no matter how many times I fall, my HP is right there to help me get back up, dust me off, and ask what lessons I have learned. And no matter where I go or what others may say, that love is unwavering, unflagging, unabated. I cannot possibly ask for anything more.