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What is Meant When We Speak of Making ‘Spiritual Progress’ – Step 2

Question::  What are a few ways you’re making spiritual progress, lately?

Featured Comment by Margot E. ::: “Listening to the song “Defying Gravity” I begin to think that accepting my Higher Power is very like flying. Sometimes I make the mistake of trying to explain that which is inexplicable – the infinity which is, by definition, that which cannot be comprehended. If I cannot understand all there is of my Higher Power, how can I believe? Surely I can only believe that which I understand. And so, taking faith, I take a leap. My faith says I will be guided – not always given the results I expect. I am guaranteed lessons in this life and unconditional love.”

Today’s SFZ

Out of Our Heads – Sheryl Crow (4:25)

Swami Sivananda quotes on Real Life Awareness (3:47) 

Celtic Tranquility Meditation (8:30)


“A.A. is no suc-
cess story in the
ordinary sense of the
word. It is a story of suf-
fering transmuted, un-
der grace, into spirit-
ual progress.” (As
Bill Sees It, p.35)


“Many of us use
spiritual principles
as a power greater than
ourselves.” “This makes
sense to us because we have
tried many times to think our-
selves into a better way of life.
Trying it the other way, practic-
ing a better way of life by living
according to spiritual princi-
ples, will eventually have
an effect on our think-
ing.” (It Works, How
& Why, p. 15)

“The real spirit-
ual progress of the
aspirant is measured by
the extent to which he
achieves inner

– Swami Sivananda (1887 – 1963) Hindu spiritual teacher


This Post Has 3 Comments

  1. JB jr.

    I seem to measure my spiritual progress through how well handle the difficult times in my life. But instead I prolly should look at the smaller stuff that tends to add up as well.

  2. Adam

    I admit I’m powerless over traffic and other drivers. I know I’m likely not going to be injured driving. It is that I want to get to where I’m going faster. Being stressed and rushing is not going to get me there much faster so I need to take my time. Other drivers and traffic are under my HP’s control and therefore, I don’t need to worry about them.

  3. Margot E.

    Listening to the song “Defying Gravity” I begin to think that accepting my Higher Power is very like flying. Sometimes I make the mistake of trying to explain that which is inexplicable – the infinity which is, by definition, that which cannot be comprehended. If I cannot understand all there is of my Higher Power, how can I believe? Surely I can only believe that which I understand. And so, taking faith, I take a leap. My faith says I will be guided – not always given the results I expect. I am guaranteed lessons in this life and unconditional love.

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