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“If the World were Merely Seductive, that Would be Easy” – Step 4

From Easy Does It – “I think I enjoy the world when im improving being a friend, volun- teering,,etc there are so many opportunities to do both if I can just listen to that still small voice.”

Today’s SFZ


“As we drove away
the people  who cared
about us,  we used more
drugs,  trying  to cover  up
our  feelings.”  “We  suffer-
ed when  things didn’t go our
way,  but so strong  was our
desire for  power  and  con-
trol that  we  couldn’t see
the futility of our efforts
to manage events.”
(The Basic Text,
p. 45)

“If the world
were merely seduc-
tive, that would be easy.
If it were merely chal leng-
ing, that would be no prob-
lem.  But I arise in the morn-
ing torn between a desire to
improve  the world  and  a
desire to enjoy the world.
This makes it hard to
plan the day.”

– E.B. White (1899 – 1985) U.S. writer

One Desire – Jakarta (2:46)

An Ode to E.B. White’s, Charlotte’s Web (2:28)

Cosmic Ordering 6 Steps to Manifesting Your Desires (2:30)

How have you improved your corner of the world, lately?

The World is Round. :

One day a priest’s one slipper fell into the river. The priest threw the other slipper into the water because he had no use for one slipper.

A man was bathing in the river. He saw the slipper and threw it on the bank. But the slipper hit a man who was carrying a pot of kheer on his head. The pot broke and the kheer spilled on the ground.

Suddenly a hawk swooped down and flew off with the slipper. As the hawk flew in the sky the slipper fell from his beak and into the plates of people who were eating in an open field.

In anger, they threw the slipper in the field. There, a man was busy milking a cow. The slipper went and hung on one of the cow’s horn. She started jumping around. The angry milkman threw the slipper into nearby house.

A man was sitting in the courtyard there. He saw the slipper. He was the priest the owner of the slipper. [And] thought, “My slipper has come back to me. The world is indeed round.”

Zonr compassion

This Post Has 11 Comments

  1. happinessatfull

    just a thinking and doing things different and have a openmind perspective on life and those around us

  2. Tony O.

    I have Themed my days with a goal in mind. Today was my job day and everything fell into alignment. A company wants to interview me next Tuesday. I put the energy out there and it manifested.

  3. Tony O.

    I have Themed my days with a goal in mind. Today was my job day and everything fell into alignment. A company wants to interview me next Tuesday. I put the energy out there and it manifested.

  4. Aaron McKenzie

    I have improved my own sector of the universe lately by making a sincere effort to be present and focused on the people I am sharing time with. I make a point to set aside my cell phone and other distractions when I am with other people. I believe one of the best gifts we can give other people is the gift of our complete presence and our undivided attention when we are sharing time with them.

    -Aaron McKenzie 🙂

    1. -KW

      So true. Something I let lapse all the time. (note: improvement needed)

  5. Simon Yebio

    By just participating. In some ways that means changing things and in other ways that means just joining in on things

  6. Br. Buddha

    Good morning everyone + happy Tuesday. Here is today’s thought. Take time out to be still + relax in the presence of your Higher Power. Just relax + experience the joy of God’s love for you + your love for him. It’s very comforting. No words are necessary, just your presence. Enjoy. Blessings. BB

  7. easy does it

    I think I enjoy the world when im improving being a friend, volunteering,,etc there are so many opportunities to do both if I can just listen to that still small voice..

  8. Adam

    I express this some when I work as we serve low income residents. This keeps me going when work gets tough. I donate to charity, educate myself on current events and politics, and I vote.

  9. Margot E.

    I do not understand the E.B. White quotation. IMHO, one cannot enjoy the world without improving it, and vice versa. Improving the world is an inside job and does not necessitate me trying to change others. I can only be the change I want to see, as the saying goes. When I give my creative and loving best, I can choose joy, I can choose gratitude – and I kind of think that automatically makes the world a better place.

  10. Ms. H.

    I think that we need to have a better understanding of those around us.

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