Having been Burned Time and Time Again; Finally Something We can Trust – the Tao of Step 3
“He who does not trust enough, will never be trusted.” — Lao Tzu (~600 BC) Chinese Philosopher & father of Tao Te Ching
“He who does not trust enough, will never be trusted.” — Lao Tzu (~600 BC) Chinese Philosopher & father of Tao Te Ching
From Adam —- “I’ve heard this called “being in alignment” before. Didn’t think of it as aligning my ego with my higher power but totally makes sense. I can’t think of specifics but every time I’m kind or compassionate, I’m in alignment. On my recent trip, I always tipped 20-30%. People work hard and many service staff struggles to make ends meet.”
From Adam — “The parts of us that are one with each other. This quote below, I believe, was meant to apply to romantic love. But I have come to believe it can apply to people in general when they are in communion with each other.
“I honour the place in you in which the entire universe dwells. I honour the place in you which is of Love, of Truth, of Light, and of Peace. When you are in that place in you and I am in that place in me, We are One.” -Ancient Sanskrit Blessing the World
“If I find
10,000 ways
something won’t
work, I haven’t failed.
I am not discouraged,
because every wrong
attempt discarded
is another step
– Thomas A. Edison (1847 – 1931) U.S., inventor / entrepreneur
“Do not bite at the bait of pleasure till you know there is no hook beneath it.”
– Thomas Jefferson (1743 – 1826) 3rd President of the U.S.
“My prejudices of my higher power are anything Christian-based and are inextricably linked to modern Christian thinking. I do not agree with much of it. So this makes it extremely difficult to navigate terminology such as faith, God, and prayer. But I have to define what these mean for me and often use different terms that do not have the same connotations for me.” – Adam
Question ::: How is the process of discovering your own H.P. or “unsuspected inner resource” changing your lives?
Featured Comment by Adam ::: “Things just seem to flow. Less stress. Things like meeting up with long lost friends, approved for home loan, and even work is going well.”
Question ::: When is the last time you’ve felt a loss of control and as Lincoln says, “driven” to your knees to pray?
“The important thing was to love rather than to be loved.”
– W. Somerset Maugham (1874 – 1965)
CONDUCTED IN "A SPIRIT OF SELF-LOVE & HEALING" - "Usually there is one person whom we have inflicted the greatest damage - ourselves." "So ... most of us need to write our own name." "... [U]ntil we can take this Step in a spirit of self-love and healing, we may not be ready for it." (How Al Anon Works, pp. 58- 59 on being harmed) Today's SFZ THE HARM WE HOLD INSIDE - "Many of us had trouble seeing how we had harmed ourselves ... ." "Some of us have had a tendency to deny any responsibility, while others have…