The True Costs of the “Harmless” Little Lies We Tell – Step 6
“If one of our character defects is dishonesty, we can think about situations in our lives where we normally lie and imagine how it would feel, to tell the truth for a change.”
“If one of our character defects is dishonesty, we can think about situations in our lives where we normally lie and imagine how it would feel, to tell the truth for a change.”
“The ignorant mind, with its infinite, afflictions, passions, and evils, is rooted in the three poisons. Greed, anger, and delusion.”- Bodhidharma (c. 5th century AD) Zen Buddhist monk & founder of Kung Fu.
“Against logic
there is no armor like
– Laurence J. Peter (1919 – 1988) U.S., educator/author
“What we’re all striving for is authenticity, a spirit – to – spirit connection.” – Oprah Winfrey (1954 – ) U.S., TV mogul / actor
“… in Steps One through Three, we were given the basic tools we need to negotiate the path of recovery.” “On this spiritual foundation, we lay the principles of commitment and perseverance as we work the Sixth Step.” (It Works, How & Why, p. 44)
“Presently my soul grew stronger; hesitating then no longer.” – excerpt from Edgar Allan Poe, The Raven
From BYRON – “Some indicators I use to gauge my spiritual progression definitely are all internal. I grew up not learning how to regulate my emotions and learned to be reactive to survive. I now know I’m growing in handling situations as an observer though I still get setbacks at times. Progress not perfection I am aware. …”
“Why ask for something before we are ready for it? This would be asking for trouble. So many times addicts have sought the rewards of hard work without the labor.” (The Basic Text, p. 33)
“The full fruit of a labor of love lives in the harvest, and that always comes in its right season …” (The Basic Text, p. xxi)
“It’s not that
some people have
willpower and some
don’t. It’s that some
people are ready to
change and others
are not.”
– James Gordon, M.D. – holistic healer