The One Thing that’s Even more Important than Being Loved – Step 3
How have you demonstrated love with no strings attached, lately?
“The important thing was to love rather than to be loved.”
– W. Somerset Maugham (1874 – 1965)
“The important thing was to love rather than to be loved.”
– W. Somerset Maugham (1874 – 1965)
CONDUCTED IN "A SPIRIT OF SELF-LOVE & HEALING" - "Usually there is one person whom we have inflicted the greatest damage - ourselves." "So ... most of us need to write our own name." "... [U]ntil we can take this Step in a spirit of self-love and healing, we may not be ready for it." (How Al Anon Works, pp. 58- 59 on being harmed) Today's SFZ THE HARM WE HOLD INSIDE - "Many of us had trouble seeing how we had harmed ourselves ... ." "Some of us have had a tendency to deny any responsibility, while others have…
“If your act-
ions inspire oth-
ers to dream more,
learn more, do more
and become more,
you are a lea-
– John Quincy Adams (1767 – 1829) 6th U.S. President
Today’s SFZ
Featured Comment:::… “Most of my service lately has been staying late at work helping people who did not request it. They were very appreciative which felt good. I did listen to someone after a meeting the other night that was dealing with a lot of bad stuff.” – Adam
QUESTION ::: What are some of the behaviors, marked by insanity, would you like to see restored to sanity?
Featured Comment ::: “When I have negative thoughts I follow them and I let them carry me through that continuous cycle of one negative thought after another. When I started thinking of politics this morning I realized how angry that makes me and I sit in it like a fly on you know what. I’d also like to learn how to drink 1 cup of coffee once in a while and not like 4. This just really affects my nerves and doesn’t help my sobriety at all. And it is just lovely that every fricken meeting has a huge coffee pot. Like that is supposed to help.” – Adam
Question::: What would looking in the same direction of your own Loving Higher Power look like for you? Featured Comment by Jon G. ::: "Looking in the same direction of my loving higher power would involve constantly and vigilantly lookin' for opportunities to get out of myself and be of service to others. Just as my higher power is always there to be of service to me I too have to always be willing to be or service to his other children." Walk this Way - Run DMC ft. Aerosmith (4:04) The Little Prince - Chapters 1 & 2 (7:25)…
Generosity Question ::: “When have you given freely, lately?”
Featured Comment by Adam ::: “I often help clean up after meetings. Chairs away, etc. Washed coffee cups a few nights ago. I always put at least $2 in the basket, one for me and one for someone who can’t pay. I tip well outside of AA every day.”
“He who
is devoid of
the power to for-
give, is devoid
of the power
to love.”
– Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. (1928- 1968) Afro- American civil rights leader