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“Presuming a Reservoir of Goodness”, It can only Happen if We Allow the Seeds to Grow – Step 10

“Show up, dive in,
stay at it. Sometimes
you’ll win, sometimes
you’ll lose. Presuming a
reservoir of goodness, that
can be a risk.” “[M]ore of-
ten than not, your faith in
America and in Ameri-
cans will be con-

U.S. President Barack Obama (1961 –    ) Farewell Address 1/10/17

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“True humility
and an open mind
can lead us to
faith … .” (12
&12 p. 33)


“The word decision
implies action. This de-
cision is based on faith.”
“Surrendering to the will of
our Higher Power gets
easier with daily prac-
tice.” (The Basic
Text, p. 26)

You Gotta Have Faith – Limp Bizkit (2:39)

“Nishmat” – an Ancient Hebrew Meditation at Sea (3:45)

President Obama Speaks more about “A Reservoir of Goodness” (4:34)

Where have you found in others or nurtured your own deep capacity to do good, lately?

Kindness of The Farmer :

Once, a king’s army was going back after a battle. Their food supplies got finished. The king asked his soldiers to go to a nearby village and get the grains. Some soldiers and their commander entered the village and met a farmer. The commander asked him, “Dear farmer, can you lead us to this village’s largest field?”

He took them to a large field. The commander ordered his soldiers, “Cut and collect all the grains.” At this, the farmer got scared, He said, “Sir, come and I’ll show you another field.”

The soldiers went with him to a small field. They collected the grains from that field. The commander asked the farmer why he led them to this field. The farmer replied, “That field belongs to someone else. How could I let you destroy it? This is my field and here I can allow you to do, what I wish.”

The king learnt of the farmer’s kind concern for others and paid him handsomely for his grains.  (

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This Post Has 4 Comments

  1. Margo

    FEATURED POST FROM THE ZONR VAULT – “Letting go and letting God becomes easier each time I do it. At a recent staff meeting we were put into groups to complete some exercises. I fought hard to impose my views but the group would listen respectfully and then do what they wanted. I learned to sit back and listen – offer an opinion or two, but accede to the wishes of the group. Our team got the answers right because I did not get my way. I am learning to let go because of my gratitude for the things that have been given me without fighting and conflict on my part. As my cousin once said, “If it’s for you, you’ll have it.” (Orig. post 1/13/2021

  2. Shannon

    Good morning! I like this message. Today when I act in faith , I believe that my higher power guides me to make decisions by asking me to remember what’s best for everyone, others and trusting that the reservoir of goodness will be there to comfort me in times I struggle . Have a a beautiful day.

  3. Bohdi Baba

    I think Pres. Obama gets a bad wrap for being naive or too trusting. But like me, we just seem to feel that overall people are basically good and have faith that there’s a way to reach that reservoir in everyone.

  4. Jim Brown

    I’ve given myself permission to be…………

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