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Xploring our Cosmic Relevance in a Limitless Universe, Vast and Complex – Step 1

“When they discover the center of the universe, a lot of people will be disappointed to discover they are not it.” – Bernard Bailey (1916 – 1996) U.S. comic book founding-father

Today’s SFZ

OUT OF THE DARKNESS & INTO THE LIGHT – “Before we admitted the truth about our addiction, we knew only the darkness of denial. But when we surrendered, acknowledging that we couldn’t arrest our addiction or hope for a better life on our own, a ray of light broke through the darkness, beginning our spiritual awakening.”  (It Works, How & Why p. 83)

Where do you feel you fit in the big scheme of things in the Universe? On the edges or right in the middle of it all?

It’s Raining Again – Moby (3:50)   

Comic Book Super Heros – Unmasked (9:54) 

A Cosmic Journey Thru the Universe Meditation (7:44)

Stars Over The Dordogne

by Sylvia Plath

Stars are dropping thick as stones into the twiggy
Picket of trees whose silhouette is darker
Than the dark of the sky because it is quite starless.
The woods are a well. The stars drop silently.
They seem large, yet they drop, and no gap is visible.
Nor do they send up fires where they fall
Or any signal of distress or anxiousness.
They are eaten immediately by the pines.

Where I am at home, only the sparsest stars
Arrive at twilight, and then after some effort.
And they are wan, dulled by much travelling.
The smaller and more timid never arrive at all
But stay, sitting far out, in their own dust.
They are orphans. I cannot see them. They are lost.
But tonight they have discovered this river with no trouble,
They are scrubbed and self-assured as the great planets.


The Big Dipper is my only familiar.
I miss Orion and Cassiopeia’s Chair. Maybe they are
Hanging shyly under the studded horizon
Like a child’s too-simple mathematical problem.
Infinite number seems to be the issue up there.
Or else they are present, and their disguise so bright
I am overlooking them by looking too hard.
Perhaps it is the season that is not right.

And what if the sky here is no different,
And it is my eyes that have been sharpening themselves?
Such a luxury of stars would embarrass me.
The few I am used to are plain and durable;
I think they would not wish for this dressy backcloth
Or much company, or the mildness of the south.
They are too puritan and solitary for that—
When one of them falls it leaves a space,

A sense of absence in its old shining place.
And where I lie now, back to my own dark star,
I see those constellations in my head,
Unwarmed by the sweet air of this peach orchard.
There is too much ease here; these stars treat me too well.
On this hill, with its view of lit castles, each swung bell
Is accounting for its cow. I shut my eyes
And drink the small night chill like news of home.


This Post Has 6 Comments

  1. JB jr.

    I”m listening to Depeche Mode’s lead singer … Dave Gahan who says he is 7 years sober as of 2010 and found out about the things that really matter in life.

    I try and do my best to be part of the things that really matter.

  2. Br. Buddha

    Good morning everyone + Happy Wednesday. I just viewed the Journey Thru The Cosmic Universe video today. I am always in awe when I see images of the universe. So very vast, so very beautiful, so very awesome. And, I feel so loved + special because I am a part of God’s magnificent Creation. Blessings. BB

  3. JB jr.

    This still feels like the beginning of the journey to me. Sometimes I’m riding on cloud nine and as happy as a clam … then moments later I’m struck with emotions so overwhelming they defy definition. Great elation and despair are huge mysteries for me.

  4. Adam

    What Margot said is similar to my experience. I asked God to make me his messenger/assistant. And, that my life could be sacrificed if it would make more of a difference. Now I believe we are all part of God and we do exactly what we are meant to do. I know I’m an individual in regards the exact combination of values, tastes, personality traits, etc. But at my core I’m just like everyone else. And my alcoholism isn’t all really different from anyone elses. Similar causes, similar thought patterns, etc. So I guess I’m learning to feel more connected to others.

  5. easy does it

    Even in recovery when i forget the basics of reading, prayer and meditation, thats ego and pride getting in the way of a closer relationship with God, which brings me closer to drinking or using.

  6. Margot E.

    When I was younger I used to pray that God would appear to me, make some unmistakable sign, single me out from all the rest as a special, beloved child. Then I turned away from religion and most painfully, from my Higher Power for many years. Those were often painful years – years filled with confusion and emptiness despite having a loved and loving family. When I finally crawled into the rooms of Al-Anon, I felt immediate relief. How Margot got her groove back? Margo got her God back. Thanks, HP, for everything.

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