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The Spiritual Talisman that Fulfills Our Wildest Dreams – Step 5

“Said she, ‘I will not live with grief from morrow unto morrow.
My heart cries out for some relief, ‘Good-bye, my little sorrow.’

Today’s Full SFZ

XXXTENTACION – The Storm (2:15)

Brain Relief Meditation (9:58)

How have you been of some comfort to someone else, lately?

Then Joy Stepped In

by Willhemina Stitch

“Said she, ‘I will not live with grief from morrow unto morrow.
My heart cries out for some relief, ‘Good-bye, my little sorrow.’
She closed the windows of her home and pulled down every blind.
‘I’m going forth, ‘ she cried, ‘to roam. You, Grief, can stay behind.’
‘And I’ll be gone the livelong day, expect me back to-night.’

Grief wanly watched her go away into the warmth and light;
With quickened step and brightened eyes she mingled with the throng.
Instead of pale Grief’s moans and sighs she heard Endeavour’s song.
She saw a sister, crossed the road and asked her how she fared:
Then helped to lift her heavy load and in the burden shared.

Throughout the day Self-was suppressed whilst Service took its place.
When she returned at night to rest – of Grief there was no trace!
But Joy stepped forth and sweetly said,
‘May I now be your friend instead? ‘”

Zonr blog on some relief

This Post Has One Comment

  1. Adam

    I listened to friend talk about his addiction, childhood, and going into a recovery home. Also, the person I’m buying my house from was feeling anxiety. I sent a message about myself and how much I will care for the home. I’m using money from my inheritance so I shared a very personal story about my family so she would feel better letting go. I didn’t need this as offer was already accepted.

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