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A Powerful Tool We often Forget to Use to Change the World for Good – Step 7

“The Serenity Prayer, to me, is the most beautiful prayer and poem ever written. It keeps me out of so much trouble. It is small enough not to slip into my pocket or purse, but to slip into my heart. I carry it with me and pull it out whenever I detect I am in trouble. I am learning to pull it out in times of gratitude as well: ‘God, thank you for granting me…’
Namaste” (From Margot E. Zonr Post)

WISE PRAYER CAN CHANGE THE WORLD – “God [or HP] grant us the serenity to accept the things we cannot change. Courage to change the things we can. And wisdom to know the difference.” (12 & 12, p. 52)


“Some of us will recite a formal prayer … . Some of us will pray in a more casual manner, just as humbly, but using our own words. Any communication with our Higher Power is prayer.”  (It Works, How & Why, p. 52)

“Prayer power is real.  By putting it into action, we will be able to stay more constantly in higher awareness than ever before. If we can do that, the world will quickly change.”

– James Redfield (1950 – ) U.S., spiritual author


Change the World – P.O.D.  (3:04)

How has prayer enhanced the serenity in your life, lately?

At a Lunar Eclipse

by Thomas Hardy

Thy shadow, Earth, from Pole to Central Sea,
Now steals along upon the Moon’s meek shine
In even monochrome and curving line
Of imperturbable serenity.

How shall I link such sun-cast symmetry
With the torn troubled form I know as thine,
That profile, placid as a brow divine,
With continents of moil and misery?

And can immense Mortality but throw
So small a shade, and Heaven’s high human scheme
Be hemmed within the coasts yon arc implies?

Is such the stellar gauge of earthly show,
Nation at war with nation, brains that teem,
Heroes, and women fairer than the skies?


Zonr pod on prayer

This Post Has 2 Comments


    Even with my religious trauma and wariness about god/spirituality (although ive found those two to be quite different) the serenity prayer has stuck to me.Its found me in my lowest moments like an unexpected refreshing breeze. In my addiction i tried to manipulate every aspect of my life and the world around me, ive learned such thinking only brings constant disappointment. I agree with the author, this is possibly the most powerful piece of spiritual wisdom i have ever heard. Today I am grieving, not a death, but the loss of a person who my world revolved around, who my future was pinned to. I cannot change the way they feel or the future lost, but surrendering and letting my higher power work through me is a great solace. I can change how i react, how i accept the way others treat me. I am sober, grounded and trusting in my higher power. as long as i keep this simple prayer in mind things will work out.

  2. Bodhi Baba

    FEATURED POST FROM THE ZONR VAULT – “The Serenity Prayer, to me, is the most beautiful prayer and poem ever written. It keeps me out of so much trouble. It is small enough not to slip into my pocket or purse, but to slip into my heart. I carry it with me and pull it out whenever I detect I am in trouble. I am learning to pull it out in times of gratitude as well: ‘God, thank you for granting me…’
    Namaste” (Margot, 10/21/2011)

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