“The 3 Poisons” that cause “Infinite Afflictions, Passions, & Evils” – Step 6

“We learned that we had to fully concede to our innermost selves that we were alcoholics. This is the first step in recovery. The delusion that we are like other people, or presently may be, has to be smashed.” (The Big Book, p. 23)  “The ignorant mind, with its infinite, afflictions, passions, and evils, is rooted in the three poisons. Greed, anger, and delusion.”- Bodhidharma (c. 5th century AD) Zen Buddhist monk & founder of Kung Fu.


What delusions that you mistakenly hold about yourself that you feel oughta be SMASHED?

The Grand Illusion w/ lyrics (Styx) (4:38)

The Most Amazing Magic Trick Ever (1:19)

Bodhidharma & True Power Meditation (3:03)



by Margaret Atwood

I’m thinking about you.
What else can I say?
The palm trees on the reverse
are a delusion; so is the pink sand.

What we have are the usual
fractured coke bottles and the smell
of backed-up drains, too sweet,
like a mango on the verge
of rot, which we have also.

The air clear sweat, mosquitoes
& their tracks; birds & elusive.

Time comes in waves here, a sickness, one
day after the other rolling on;
I move up, it’s called
awake, then down into the uneasy
nights but never
The roosters crow
for hours before dawn, and a prodded
child howls & howls
on the pocked road to school.

In the hold with the baggage
there are two prisoners,
their heads shaved by bayonets, & ten crates
of queasy chicks.
Each spring
there’s race of cripples, from the store
to the church.
This is the sort of junk
I carry with me; and a clipping
about democracy from the local paper.

Outside the window
they’re building the damn hotel,
nail by nail, someone’s
crumbling dream.
A universe that includes you
can’t be all bad, but
does it? At this distance
you’re a mirage, a glossy image
fixed in the posture
of the last time I saw you.

Turn you over, there’s the place
for the address.
Wish you were
Love comes
in waves like the ocean, a sickness which goes on
& on, a hollow cave
in the head, filling & pounding, a kicked ear.



Zonr blog on relations

This Post Has 3 Comments

  1. Bohdi Baba

    Sometimes I put so much pressure on myself it feels overwhelming. And I have to constantly remind me that keeping my side of the street clean is all I can ever expect from myself.

  2. Adam

    I’m under no delusions I really know of, but if I knew about them they probably wouldn’t be delusions. Sometimes I wish I were delusional, lol

  3. Margot E.

    I find in myself that greed, anger, and delusion all boil down to my fear that I will not be loved – or worse, that I am not worthy of love. When I can stretch my arms wide to the universe and declare that I am, indeed, love, then I can choose to love and be loved – to respond with love, regardless of the situation.

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