The Things that are “Essential to Understanding A Problem” – Step 7

THEN REMOVING ALL SELF-SERVING DESIRE COMES NEXT –  “When we ask our Higher Power to remove these shortcomings, we ask for freedom from anything which limits our recovery. We ask for help because we cannot do it alone.” (It Works, How & Why, p. 49)

“Freedom from the desire for an answer is essential to the understanding of a problem.”

– Jiddu Krishnamurti (1895 – 1986) Indian spiritual author/guru



Indian Raga Meditation w/ Krishnamurti notes below (7:27)


What solutions have been revealed to you lately after having asked for help?



The Origin of Coconut Tree

A Hindu Mythological Story


King Trishanku was a saintly man whose one great desire was to ascend bodily into heaven.He had once done a good turn to sage Vishwamitra and the sage decided to help him fulfill his desire.

Accordingly, he performed a yagna and Trishanku began to rise heavenwards.

When Indra, King of the gods, saw Trishanku at the gates of Heaven, he was furious and catching hold of him, threw him down. Vishwamitra saw Trishanku hurtling downwards and shouted:”Let Trishanku stay where he is now!”

Trishanku’s fall was arrested. As Indra would not let him ascend into heaven and Vishwamitra would not allow him to come down, Trishanku became suspended between heaven and earth.

Folklore has expanded this mythological story to explain the origin of the coconut tree: Vishwamitra knew that Trishanku would eventually fall to earth unless held up by physical means, so he propped him up with a long pole.

The pole eventually turned into a coconut tree and Trishanku’s head became its fruit. The fibre around the coconut is Trishanku’s beard. When you take it off, you see his eyes peering at you.


Zonr pod on desire

This Post Has 3 Comments

  1. Simon Yebio

    That their are more lovely people in the world than I thought…

  2. Slim Jim

    Self-care and being reminded I am powerless over how institutions respond to be doing what I think is the right thing to do. That solution was driven home by my spiritual adviser. That’s actually a huge relief.

  3. Easy does it

    Solutions come in odd “co-incidents” at times. Like a mutual acquaintance of a friend of mine just so happens to work out at my gym. He could be a catalyst to healing a broken friendship. This friend could be using and I pray for him all the time. Solutions I find come in gods timing .. Not mine.

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