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To “Practice What You Preach”; Best to be Guided by Love & Tolerance – Step 11

“Do not let your deeds belie your words, lest when you speak in church someone may say to himself, ‘Why do you not practice what you preach?’ ”

– Saint Jerome (347 AD – 419 AD) Bible translator

Today’s SFZ

In what ways have you been practicing what you’ve been preaching, lately?

St. Jerome Brief Bio (1:55)

Barry White – Practice What You Preach (4:08)

Love as a Lifestyle Hz Meditation (9:26)

A Tale of Tolerance (6:29)

Fruits of Labour :

Once, a very lazy boy named Ramu lived in a small village. He spent all his time loitering around and was always busy in daydreaming. He avoided doing any work.

One day Ramu found a bag full of money. He was delighted. He knew that one had to work to earn money. But he felt lucky for getting money without any effort at all. Ramu went and bought many tasty sweets from the bakery. Then he got some new clothes. In such a way, he started to spend the money he had got.

His mother said, “Son, don’t waste the money. Use it to start some business. Work hard at it and you will become rich.”

But Ramu said, “I have no need to work. I have a lot of money.”

Within a few months Ramu had spent all the money in the bag. Soon he had not even a morsel to eat at home. The villagers also refused to employ such a lazy boy. Then Ramu understood that free money was not worth it. Only fruits of labour can feed a man lifelong. (

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This Post Has 8 Comments

  1. Tony Omaeboo

    Convening yourself to change to do better. Is a hard thing to do. You have to concentrate. It has to be your only foal for a momment.

  2. Jim Brown

    Upon reflection I think that I always strive to practice what I preach. A large part of my life has always been spent on self actualization or self-improvement and inspiring others, so lately I have been really keen about noticing those instances when I want to throw in the towel because things become uncomfortable or too difficult in the moment.So, I am sitting in my discomfort, but at the same time learning and becoming better…(5)

  3. Margo

    So, here is the hard balance for me: Being my authentic self while learning and practicing new ways to respond with love. I am learning to take a deep breath, not say everything I think, and step forward with love. I can recognize my thoughts and my feelings and still move beyond that fear to a place of love. And sometimes that means simply walking away (“Detachment is neither kind nor unkind…”) Make it a beautiful day!

  4. Slim Jim

    well I just finished my continuing education requirements in order to maintain substance abuse certification for the next few years. So in a way I would not be able to “practic e what I preach” in this arena with as much internalized security as I would like.( 12 mins)

  5. Anonymous

    Ya, that guy has the sexiest voice ever. He makes my motor purrr. I love how that song starts too. Of course it doesn’t hurt that what he’s saying is so totly true too.

  6. brita

    I would do ANYTHING Barry White says!!!! I forget I have shortcomings – how gross is that?!

  7. jaime sommers

    Giving out positive energy always brings positive results

    1. Anonymous

      Like a smile tends to put people at ease. Its the practicing what you preach part that gets hard to do.

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