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Why We might Trust that there is a “Master Plan” – Step 1

NO NEED TO KNOW IT ALL RIGHT NOW – “In realizing that we don’t have all the answers, we begin to find some humility. We may not grasp the full impact of what being humble means, but our open-mindedness assures us that we have found and have begun to demonstrate this valuable quality.” (It Works, How & Why, p. 16)

“It’s most presumptuous to believe we already know all the answers and will never get any more big surprises.” – Stanley Schmidt (1944 – ) U.S. author


How does being open-minded and humble factor into the need to know it all right now?


The Creator has a Master Plan – India Arie (3:19)

Why Spiritual Knowledge is Kept Secret (6:58) 

Hz Didgeridoo Tree of Life Meditation (5:17)


Let Me Go

by Christina Rossetti

When I come to the end of the road
And the sun has set for me
I want no rites in a gloom filled room
Why cry for a soul set free?

Miss me a little, but not for long
And not with your head bowed low
Remember the love that once we shared
Miss me, but let me go.

For this is a journey we all must take
And each must go alone.
It’s all part of the master plan
A step on the road to home.

When you are lonely and sick at heart
Go to the friends we know.
Laugh at all the things we used to do
Miss me, but let me go.


This Post Has 4 Comments

  1. Br. Buddha

    God morning everyone + Happy Friday. Here is today’s thought. Sobriety gives us a new life. Better yet, sobriety gives us a new outlook on life. Be patient + let God act in his own time. Progress, not perfection. Just remember that the Creator has a master plan + that we are part of His plan. Blessings. BB

  2. JB jr.

    Indie Arie is so amazing. She makes be really believe that the “Creator has a master plan.”

  3. easy does it

    Humility s a big
    Aspect in staying sober letting another guide me through the steps
    Al anon is a good idea..thanks margo

  4. Margot E.

    It is very hard for me to admit that I do not know. Ironically, that is the only way I can learn – to admit that I do not know. And I show up at my Al-Anon meetings with my inflated ego covering up for my complete lack of self-esteem. I am a beloved creation of my Higher Power. What more do I need?

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